Need tutoring help? Don't have time to use or are uncomfortable using the Virtual Tutoring Room or Contact the Online Tutor Form? Then, call me! Just dial 214-453-8148 during tutoring hours (posted in the Tutoring Center). I will help you on the spot. Feel free to call outside of tutoring hours and simply leave a message, and I will return your call during the next scheduled tutoring time.
There are many ways to utilize DCC Online's tutoring services. Just choose the method that best fits your needs.
Immediate Assistance
- Submit a Contact the Online Tutor Form
- Email me at
- Meet me in the Virtual Tutoring Room during scheduled tutoring hours (posted in the Tutoring Center). You can drop in during any of those times, and I'll be there.
- Call me at 214-453-8148 during scheduled tutoring hours.
- Contact me via our Facebook Page.
- Visit the The Scribe for writing and MLA/APA resources.
Scheduled Assistance
- If you're unable to meet me during the scheduled tutoring hours, you can set up a time to meet me in the Virtual Tutoring Room at a time that fits your schedule._____________________________________________________________________
At DCC, we're very committed to ensuring our students' success, so that's why we've made online tutoring available in so many different ways. But, it can only help you if you use it! Spread the word!